
Current Projects
Memristor Based Systems and Device Modeling
Memristor (M) is believed to be the fourth fundamental two terminals passive element, beside the Resistor (R), the Capacitor (C) and the Inductor (L). The existence of such element was postulated by Leon Chua in 1971, but without finding its passive realization. In 1978 Chua and Kang extends the idea to memristive devices and systems .
Brain Inspired Computing
Understanding the brain behavior is currently gaining a huge attention worldwide. At the sensors lab, students under the supervision of Prof. K.N. Salama are exploring new computing technologies miming the way our brains process and store data. Using memristors to build neural networks reduces the required area significantly compared to classical circuits.
Past Projects
Fractal Capacitors and Antennas
n this research area, we design fractal capacitors and fabricate them in MEMS processes to study the benefits that the fractal geometries bestow upon MEMS capacitors processwise. Fractal capacitors in CMOS were introduced chiefly to enhance the capacitance density. In MEMS, however, they offer several additional advantages from a very different viewpoint.
Low Power Wireless Communications
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) wireless communication has shown great promise for future communications systems as they achieve very high spectral efficiency. However, practical realizations of MIMO wireless communication systems have been limited by their difficulty of implementation.
Nano Imaging
Recently, a novel optical imaging device which is directly integrated into a microfluidic channel and achieves submicron imaging resolution comparable to that of conventional microscopes was reported by Yang and others and termed Optofluidic Microsopy (OFM). This new compact imaging device functions as a lab-on-a-chip to capture very high resolution images of biological samples flowing in microfluidic channels.
Enhanced Plasma Wave Detection of Terahertz Radiation
Applications of THz technology such as sensing of drugs and explosives materials, biomedical imaging, and security imaging require THz detectors with fast response time. The most common THz detectors available now are bolometers, pyroelectric detectors, Schottky diodes , and photoconductive detectors.
Luminescence Detection Lab-on-Chip
Bioluminescence whereby light is emitted as a result of a chemical reaction offers several advantages over other photo-emissive detection methods such as fluorescence, including low background and the utilization of reagents with extended shelf life. Also, since no filters or excitation sources are needed, lab-on-chip integration is considerably easier.
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