24-GHz LTCC Fractal Antenna Array SoP With Integrated Fresnel Lens
Farahan Abdul Ghaffar, et al., "24-GHz LTCC Fractal Antenna Array SoP With Integrated Fresnel Lens" IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 10, 2011, 705.
Abstract: A novel 24-GHz mixed low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) tape based system-on-package (SoP) is presented, which incorporates a fractal antenna array with an integrated grooved Fresnel lens. The four-element fractal array employs a relatively low dielectric constant substrate (CT707, ), whereas the lens has been realized on a high-dielectric-constant superstrate (CT765, ). The two (substrate and super- strate) are integrated through four corner posts to realize the required air gap (focal distance). The fractal array alone provides a measured gain of 8.9 dBi. Simulations predict that integration of this array with the lens increases the gain by 6 dB. Measurements reveal that the design is susceptible to LTCC fabrication toler- ances. In addition to high gain, the SoP provides a bandwidth of 8%. The high performance and compact size (24 24 4.8 mm ) of the design makes it highly suitable for emerging wireless appli- cations such as automotive radar front end.