machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless Communications |
Biosensors, flexible electronics, Gas Sensors, memory devices, sensors |
Biosensors, core-shell nanoparticles, energy conversion, energy storage, Gas Sensors |
Biomaterials, Biosensors |
energy harvesting, magnetic skin, sensors, News |
Circuits, Maxwell-Cattaneo Heat Waves, Scattering Cancellation-based Cloaking, News |
Circuits, flexural waves, linearized water waves, scattering, sixth order partial differential equation, thin elastic plates, News |
Circuits, News |
communications, power distribution, radar applications, rf signals, smart grids |
2D and 3D multiscroll chaos, Circuits, fully digital hardware implementation of 1-D, News |
Circuits, wireless powering, News |
Gas Sensors, News |
electrical engineering, human health, sensors, News |
electrical engineering, material science, sensors, News |
Publications |
Front Page |
Media |
focs, graphene oxide percolated P VDF TrFE CFE, News |
News |
Compressed Sensing Approach, Multi-carrier Systems |
cavities, Circuits, communications, filters, Substrate Integrated Waveguide, wave propagation, News |
Spotlight, News |
energy storage, IoT, material science and engineering, sensors, News |
Circuits, high-density, memristor, News |
Circuits, higher frequencies, News |
deep learning, seismic processing |
electrical engineering, News |
Info |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Circuits, plasmonic structure, spectrometer-free refractive index sensor, News |
Circuits, cognitive radio, multiple spectrum bands, secondary users SUs, News |
News |
Circuits, Memories, memristor, News |
Circuits, memristors, Stochasticity, News |
artificial intelligence, computer networks, embedded systems, energy efficiency, intrusion detection, IoT, machine learning |
Circuits, Genetic Algorithm, News |