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machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless Communications
Biosensors, flexible electronics, Gas Sensors, memory devices, sensors
Biosensors, core-shell nanoparticles, energy conversion, energy storage, Gas Sensors
Biomaterials, Biosensors
LiDAR, optical computing
energy harvesting, magnetic skin, sensors, News
Circuits, Maxwell-Cattaneo Heat Waves, Scattering Cancellation-based Cloaking, News
Circuits, flexural waves, linearized water waves, scattering, sixth order partial differential equation, thin elastic plates, News
Circuits, News
communications, power distribution, radar applications, rf signals, smart grids
2D and 3D multiscroll chaos, Circuits, fully digital hardware implementation of 1-D, News
Circuits, wireless powering, News
Gas Sensors, News
electrical engineering, human health, sensors, News
electrical engineering, material science, sensors, News
Front Page
focs, graphene oxide percolated P VDF TrFE CFE, News
Compressed Sensing Approach, Multi-carrier Systems
Shunyuan Shang
cavities, Circuits, communications, filters, Substrate Integrated Waveguide, wave propagation, News
Spotlight, News
energy storage, IoT, material science and engineering, sensors, News
Circuits, high-density, memristor, News
Circuits, higher frequencies, News
deep learning, seismic processing
electrical engineering, News
PhD Dissertation Defense
Circuits, plasmonic structure, spectrometer-free refractive index sensor, News
Circuits, cognitive radio, multiple spectrum bands, secondary users SUs, News
Circuits, Memories, memristor, News
Circuits, memristors, Stochasticity, News
Syed Abidullah Fareed
artificial intelligence, computer networks, embedded systems, energy efficiency, intrusion detection, IoT, machine learning
Circuits, Genetic Algorithm, News